
08 Feb 11 FY11 Timeline for ALA Connect

Now that phase one of the Conference Scheduler is done, we’ve taken a breath to evaluate where we’re at and how we’ll finish out this fiscal year (which ends on August 31). We’re having to push back a few features to fiscal year ’12 due to unanticipated projects that have suddenly come up as part of the ALA website’s migration to a Drupal-based environment.

Drafted in February 2009, the original roadmap for Connect can be found on the ITTS News blog (114KB, PDF). We’ve implemented quite a few of the features listed in it (along with some that weren’t), but it needs some updating. We’re looking ahead as a two-step process, so we’ve put together this seven-month roadmap to finish the fiscal year.

Part two will be a Roadmap for FY12, which for us starts on September 1. We’ll post that separately when it’s ready….

Read more and view the timeline in the discussion on ALA Connect.

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