
23 Mar 07 CMS Updates – March 2007

We have entered a very active phase in the Collage implementation project. After American Libraries Online went live in December, we discovered that the content services switch (a device that allows us to direct traffic between the old and new systems based on URLs) we had installed in August was not the right switch for our needs. A new switch was ordered immediately and was delivered and installed in late February. We had to put several units’ conversions to Collage on hold while we waited for the switch. Now that the switch has been installed, we can pick up the pace of conversions to Collage.

We are moving to Collage unit by unit, rather than risking one massive “go-live” event for the entire association. The basic conversion process is for Duo (our implementation consultants) to convert a unit’s graphic design into Collage, pull over the unit’s content, fix anything they see wrong, and then turn the content over to the unit for their review. Units then vet the conversion and report back any problems they encounter. Duo fixes the problems, and the unit’s content is then scheduled to go live in the new system Unit staff are also trained during this period.

Three units are currently using Collage to manage their content: American Libraries, LITA, and the ALA Library. Next to go live will probably be AASL and PLA. ACRL/Choice is ready as well, but they would like to wait until after their National Conference to go live (early April).

ASCLA, YALSA, and the Washington Office are currently in the process of reviewing their content after the first-pass conversion by Duo. RUSA’s conversion was delayed while Duo and Serena (makers of Collage) resolved problems found during the first pass. Next up is ALCTS. A revised conversion schedule follows. (Please note: these are the dates Duo expects to hand off the unit’s content for review of first pass at conversion. Depending on how long the unit takes to review its content and how extensive the fixes needed are, a go-live date could be anywhere from a week to three weeks following the date below).

American Libraries              Live in Collage
LITA				Live in Collage
ALA Library			Live in Collage
ACRL				Pending National Conference
AASL				Imminent go-live
RUSA			 	03/28/07
ASCLA			        In review as of 03/22/07
PLA				Imminent go-live
Washington Office		In review as of 03/22/07
YALSA			        In review as of 03/22/07
ALCTS			        03/30/07
All other Offices		04/06/07
LAMA				04/13/07
ALSC				04/27/07
ALTA				05/11/07
All Round Tables		05/25/07
ALA general & cleanup	        06/15/07

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