
06 Apr 17 Update on ITTS priority projects and the status of the ALA IT External Review Recommendations

The ALA Information Technology & Telecommunication Services (ITTS) report to the ALA Executive Board provides an update on ITTS priority projects and the status of the ALA External Review Recommendations for the remainder of FY2017 and beginning of FY2018.



16 Mar 17 Responsive Redesign Progress Report

We’re closing in on the completion of the retheming of and all associated microsites, including all the division microsites on The responsive nature of the redesign ensures that the sites will resize to display appropriately on cell phones, tablets and desktop computers. It will also bump us up in mobile search results.

ITTS used the retheming as an opportunity to make essential infrastructure upgrades to servers that include new set-ups of development, quality assurance and production web servers. Once the servers are ready, behind the scenes site migrations required to streamline ALA’s information architecture will take place. The changes to the information architecture reduce the number of ALA microsites by about half and will also reduce the time required to make site back-ups and to perform updates.

Retheming of microsites will commence following the site migrations. ITTS expects retheming to happen relatively quickly thanks to information sessions held with site stakeholders and the creation of a webform for them to communicate their final design choices.

We are accommodating units’ preferences for holding off their retheming based on event schedules, but expect to have all sites completed this spring.

Take a look at the paper design mock-ups to get an idea of what the sites will look like. (The global menus will have dropdowns, just like the current site, although an example hasn’t been shown in the mockups.)

Responsive ALSC site redesign mockup, with new features, like social media Follow icons.

ALSC Redesign Mockup

Responsive mockup of the ALA homepage showing new features, such as social media follow icons.

ALA Homepage Mockup

Responsive AASL site redesign mockup with new features, like social media Follow icons.

AASL Redesign Mockup